The other day, I purchased a new laptop. When deciding which-one-do-I-want, I did the "graphics adapter search", going down the shelf to see the cheapest one I could find that had a real graphics adapter. I wound up buying the Asus G50VT-X5, which has a Dual Core 2 and an Nvidia Geforce card.
(So far, my only problem with this laptop is that when I boot up, it connects to my wireless adapter for "local only": I need to reset the wireless adapter each time in order to get Internet access.)
So far, I've tried Dawn of War 2 and Demigod. Both of these games were picky about display adapters, so I wanted to make sure these worked. The good news is that they worked. I've actually played a couple of online Demigod matches on this thing, and they worked well.
I decided to try using Gameranger to connect to Demigod, but that didn't work out. It turns out that everyone on Gameranger, for some reason, seem to be using an earlier version of Demigod. I would connect to a game, it would fire up Demigod, and then pop up saying "sorry, can't do that: wrong version". Oh well: I expect this to change soon enough.