No, this isn't going to be anything particularly spectacular. This is where I will write about . . . gaming.
Published on May 11, 2009 By Animesh Karna In Personal Computing

My ITunes library was corrupted, but I managed to recover most of it from some partial backups.  One of my pet peeves about ITunes: I don't see any way to re-download purchased items, aside from purchasing them again.  Am I missing something here?  It seems like an obvious feature.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 12, 2009

DRM really has nothing to do with this situation.  I have used iPods and iTunes for years, and never once ran into a problem with DRM.  The issue here is the lack of making a backup of data.

the BIGGEST laugh of all...the suckers that paid $600 for the first iphone LMFAO...

How so?


on May 12, 2009

by the fk'n CD and rip it

Yes, buy the cd, at almost twice the price of the digital version.  You still have to take precautions with the cd, for example, putting it inside a plastic sleeve so that it doesn't scratch, keeping track of it, etc. 

Backing up your purchases is similar to taking care not to scratch the cd, both are necessary precautions, so that you don't lose your music.

What's up with the DRM BULLSHIT??? I paid for the downloaded song I'll do with it what I want, including transferring it to whatever device I want in whatever manner I want.

This is also possible with iTunes.

No one is forcing anyone to buy through iTunes... there are other services online that allow you to purchase digital music, audiobooks, movies, etc. and they come in the normal windows format.  This allows someone to copy it to their iTunes, while still having a version that isn't iTunes dependent.

Heaven forbid someone thinks outside the box, right?

on May 19, 2009

lol you suckers paying money for songs. Just go to [I Steal Music] All music is free. !!


Stop advocating theft. -ID

on May 19, 2009

lol you suckers paying money for songs. Just go to All music is free. !!

Frostwire is better.

on May 19, 2009

lol you suckers paying money for songs. Just go to All music is free. !!

so are the and easy to install

on May 19, 2009

You always have one.  

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